Jul 15, 2017

How To Earn Money Online adf ly shorten urls and earn money easily

This post i will share with you how you can make money online using adf.ly link shortner. you know every day we are share some links with our Friends on our Facebook profile and Facebook page. if you have a big Facebook page or good Facebook profile you can earn a good money with adf.ly.

Detailed information of adf.ly

adf.ly company owner of x19 Limited this company address is 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX. if you have any link like youtube song link or any impotent news link you can short this link using adf.ly

when anyone click this link for see this video or see this news he will see first a ads after 5 second he will see your main news or YouTube video and you get a money.
How Much Money Possible Earn 1000 Visitor ?

earning depend in your visitor if you have 1000 USA traffic you can earn every day Up $9

What is URL shorteners?

Very simple if you have a any big url you just give it adf.ly and press short button and wait few second after adf.ly will be give you a link then you share it with your friends or your Facebook page visitor when visitor click link you get money.

How much money can I make?

The adfly pays you $9 it's very low for 1000 visitor but just think for a second have a many people use Facebook? Over 500 Million people use Facebook on a daily basis. if you try get 1000 visitor from Facebook per day you can earn every month minimum $300

How You Can Withdraw your money from adfly ?

very easy to withdraw your money from adfly if you have paypal or payonner you can withdraw your money. when you will earn $5 you can withdraw using Paypal but payonner you can withdraw when you will earn $10.

Click This Link And Join Start Earning

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