Jun 26, 2016

samsung e1207t hard reset Step By Step solution

Samsung E1207t hard reset unlock forget password

 To Day i Will Share With You samsung e1207t Normal Phone hard reset. if you forget your device security code or any other software problem on your device you can solve your problem easily.  1. At First remove your device sim card.  2. open your device dialing screen and type this code *2767*2878# or *2767*3855# and wait few second device will be auto restart.  After hard reset all data will be wipe so don't forget backup your all data like contact, message etc.
To Day i Will Share With You samsung e1207t Normal Phone hard reset. if you forget your device security code or any other software problem on your device you can solve your problem easily.

1. At First remove your device sim card.

2. open your device dialing screen and type this code *2767*2878# or *2767*3855# and wait few second device will be auto restart.

After hard reset all data will be wipe so don't forget backup your all data like contact, message etc.

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